The biggest and most used in the main living room play area. This is mostly for the two caiques, as they need the space and exercise more than the other two, and also because they are very naughty and need to be in the same room with me at all times when out of their cage so I can keep an eye on them!
I did a basic cleaning and renovation of this play area, it looks great and the caiques were very happy for the change.
The kitchen basket is a small play area, mostly used by Violet the cockatiel. She likes to hang out here while I cook and wash dishes, etc. The other birds do occasionally hang out here, especially Perry, but they tend to get bored and start looking for trouble. My renovation of this playarea was a bit more drastic than the first playarea. Originally, I just had the basket hanging here. I wanted to bump it up a bit, so I added in a nice gnarly chunk of grapevine, to make another level for climbing and play!
The third playarea has had the most drastic changes. This is the area over the tops of the big cages in the bedroom. The bigger birds generally only hang out here when I am the room to watch them. This is primarily due to the caiques being naughty and not staying put- they think their mission in life is to climb down the cages and get to the floor. Since I have dogs and cats, this is unacceptable! So, they are only allowed to play on top of their cages supervised. Perry, on the other hand, can safely hang out here, and won't try to climb down. However, he would get a little bored, and I wanted to have another play space worthy of the caiques' hyperactivity as well. So I do a major rehaul of this area! Since I don't use the grates on the bottoms of the big bird cages, I decided to put that grate to another use! I hung it over the cages (I stole this awesome idea from a friend!). It's such a simple concept, but what a huge change! You can now place toys on the new shelf, and hang toys below. The birds are really starting to enjoy it! Perry spends most of his evenings playing here now, and the caiques have a new area to come play sometimes- it's nice to have a change of pace!
Great idea on hanging the toys from the grate!