Wednesday, June 29, 2011


When I talk to folks who wander into my store, I find that many parrot owners don't realize how important full spectrum lighting is to their birds! Getting a good strong regular dose of sunshine helps keep a bird's feathers shiny, and their bones strong. The vitamin D helps their little bodies process and use calcium (and it seems to me that MANY pet birds have calcium deficencies due to poor diet).

It can be hard to get in regular sun-time during cold weather (or seering triple digit heat like here in TX). So it is recommended to use a good full spectrum light bulb by your parrot's cage during the day. It's not as good as sunshine, but it's much better than incandescent lighting!

Sunshine is the best though!

Make sure you supervise very closely- racoons, rats, possums,cats, hawks, etc are all very dangerous to our birds!

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